Our Liturgy



Liturgy might be an unfamiliar word, but if you have ever attended a worship service at a church then you have experienced a liturgy. Liturgy refers to the order and form of a worship service. In essence, it’s what takes place in a worship gathering: singing, prayers, offerings, communion, baptism, and preaching. Our worship gatherings play a role in the spiritual formation of the congregation and accomplish our mission to help every person behold, obey, and be transformed by the Gospel. Our liturgy serves to shape our beliefs, inspire devotion, and empower disciples to scatter for mission in all of life. 

Gospel Shaped Liturgy

Our Liturgy is shaped by the Gospel Story. The Gospel Story provides an opportunity to remember and reorient our hearts arounds who God is, what He has done, who we are, and how we are called to live. Every Sunday Gathering we are rehearsing or regularly preaching the Gospel to ourselves to change how we think, see, feel, and live in a fallen world. The chart below has been taken from the book, Rhythms of Grace: How The Church’s Worship Tells The Story Of The Gospel. It’s helpful to provide more explanation on understanding the arc of Doxa’s Worship Gatherings.
